I am Kathrine Jensen and I am taking part in an open course about technology enhanced learning (ocTEL) which is run by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). The aim of the course is to help those planning and delivering teaching in HE to make the best use of technology in their work and avoid pitfalls and hiccups. Twitter hashtag for the course is #octel
As part of participating in the course I am starting a blog to record my experiences and reflections throughout the next ten weeks from April to June 2013.
I have not taken part in a MOOC before so I am looking forward to seeing what it is all about and how it might work (or not work).
My previous experiences of TEL has been working with staff to explore using Moodle to deliver courses, being part of a number of ning networks (see links below) but my most consistent use of technology to enhance my own learning is really developing a network on Twitter and fairly regular blogging about my teaching and learning activities on The Teaching and Learning Institute blog. I find Twitter incredibly useful in connecting with people in a variety of areas I am interested in and also a great way to reach an audience. And when I attend any conferences, I can no longer imagine not tweeting about it or not hearing from other delegates via twitter. It is such a great and effective way to enrich conference activities.
RAISE – Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement
ELESIG – Evaluation of Learners’ Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group
Not a teacher/lecturer
I should perhaps also confess that I am not planning or delivering teaching in HE, though part of my responsibilities are to support and connect colleagues to develop inspiring and innovative teaching and learning. I work as a researcher in the Teaching and Learning Institute at the University of Huddersfield.
Along with my academic development colleagues, I am also providing some support for other staff from the University of Huddersfield who are participating in this course.
Follow me on twitter @kshjensen