This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Week 7 webinar recording now available

Thanks to everyone who took part in ocTEL’s weekly webinar with Nancy White yesterday afternoon.

If you missed all or part of the week 7 webinar, the materials from the session are now available on the Course Materials page, which is updated weekly with materials from each live webinar.

Gráinne Hamilton, this week’s lead tutor, has blogged about the session:

In the webinar, Nancy covered the impact of the contexts we teach and learn within, considering the ‘we, me, many’ – groups, individual, networks. Much of the discussion focused on how to move towards interaction and developing peer support online. Some of the participants described examples of courses they want to develop more peer-to-peer interaction and experiential learning within, sometimes in international contexts, and Nancy and the group came up with a range of suggestions that could help. These included:

  • Build the social structure/scaffolding directly
  • Offer less initial content
  • Pose key questions
  • Build in reflective practice
  • Check your assumptions about what and how
  • Harness serious games dynamics
  • Use peer review as a formal activity that can be used to develop peer support in a wider, less formal context
  • Provide opportunities for the learners to teach

Read Gráinne’s account in full for further analysis and links to the resources that Nancy mentioned in the webinar.

Join us next Wednesday at 12:30 BST for the week 8 webinar on maximising learning for minimum cost. Check the Course Materials page for more information.

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