As I couldn’t make the webinar live I have watched it this morning and really enjoyed it. I decided to read the slides first and then listen which proved to be a good technique as then I could also follow the chat. I loved the chat. Funny how irony can be missed though. Apparently is what we need. Anyway I need to let the ideas from the session and the chat percolate in my brain today but thought I would upload the practical bits
What are the BIG QUESTIONS in TEL?
Diana Laurillard, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education
Participant big questions:
• How to plan flipped classroom class teaching via open distance learning with participants from multiple and widely ranging time zones?
• How can I use TEL to engage and support students across a large, lecture-only course?
• What TEL is appropriate to achieve the desired outcomes in the learning and teaching environment?
• How can TEL support personalised learning in a way that works for both teachers and students?
• Where should the balance lie between learner guidance and learner freedom?
• How do we evaluate the technology-enhanced learning impact on the learning experience and outcomes of individual students?
• How do we persuade ‘reluctant’ members of staff to engage with TEL –especially those with limited skills/confidence/time?
Candidate big questions
• Cultural: How do we create a culture in which TEL can be effectively used by all staff and learners to improve learning?
• Management: Can teachers become a collaborative professional community with responsibility for directing innovation in TEL?
• Economic: Which TEL pedagogies will help solve the 1:25 staff-student ratio problem in educating the world?
• Strategic: How can we get adequate investment in TEL innovation by teachers themselves?
• Creative: Will the new ‘computing’ curriculum use TEL to build the ‘computational thinking’ AND the ‘digital literacies’ all students need?
• Technical: What are the emergent technologies that schools, colleges and HE should be working to introduce over the next few years?
Useful links: