This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

This infographic has really got me thinking! As well as Imogen's comment about retrieving these external…

Jo Conlon Fri, 10 May 2013 09:06:46 GMT - Google+
This infographic has really got me thinking! As well as Imogen's comment about retrieving these external memories, I think we also have to consider that although our personal recollection of 'facts' may be flawed this is also the case for much we find on the internet.  Retrieve from a credible source...
I have added it to my blog (with thanks / credited to you)

The small innocuous three words in the question “what is learning” belies the fact that this is a question which has the potential to be very broad and yet deep in scope. Whilst there are many theories of how we learn and could learn as mentioned in the ocTEL week 3 email (social constructivism ...