Tag: Journal Article

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Graham Gibbs, Claire Simpson, David James, Scott Fleming et al.Published using Mendeley: The reference manager for researchers

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Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Graham Gibbs, Claire Simpson, David James, Scott Fleming et al.Published using Mendeley: The bibliography manager for researchers

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ICT's participatory potential in higher education collaborations: Reality or just talk

British Journal of Educational Technology (2013). Pages: n/a-n/a. Rosalind James et al.Published using Mendeley: The research tool for desktop & web

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Of massive open online courses. The assessment of the quality of anything is fraught with difficulties, depending as it does on some commonly understood account of what would count as a

Stephen Downes et al.Published using Mendeley: The research tool for desktop & web

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Reducing Costs through Online Learning Five Proven Strategies from the US , Canada , the UK and Australia

No description available.Published using Mendeley: Academic software for researchers

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Perceptions of the effects of clicker technology on student learning and engagement: a study of freshmen Chemistry students

Research in Learning Technology (2012). Jenepher Lennox Terrion, Victoria Aceti et al.While technology – in the form of laptops and cellphones – may be the cause of much of the distraction in university and college classrooms, some, including the perso…

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Using technology to encourage student engagement with feedback: a literature review

Research in Learning Technology (2011). Volume: 19, Issue: 2. Stuart Hepplestone, Graham Holden, Brian Irwin, Helen J. Parkin, Louise Thorpe et al.This article presents a review of the literature over the past 10 years into the use of technological int…

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Task interruption and its effects on memory

Memory (1998). Volume: 6, Issue: 6. Pages: 665–687.

M. B., & Gronlund, S. D. Edwards et al.

Published using Mendeley: The reference manager for researchers

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The role of attention in the development of short-term memory: age differences in the verbal span of apprehension

Child Development (1999). Pages: 1082–1097.

N., Nugent, L. D., Elliott, E. M., Ponomarev, I. & Saults, J. S. Cowan et al.

Published using Mendeley: The research tool for desktop & web

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Real-world multitasking from a cognitive neuroscience perspective

Attention and Performance (2000). Pages: 465–472.

P. W. Burgess et al.

Published using Mendeley: The reference manager for researchers

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