Tag: Book

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Transforming assessment and feedback : enhancing integration and empowerment in the first year

D Nicol et al.Formative assessment and feedback are driving forces for student learning. It is, therefore, surprising that they have not previously played a prominent role in thinking and research on the first-year experience in higher education (HE). …

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Innovating Pedagogy 2012

Mike Sharples, Patrick Mcandrew, Martin Weller, Rebecca Ferguson, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Tony Hirst, Yishay Mor, Mark Gaved et al.Published using Mendeley: The research tool for desktop & web

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Theory and practice of online learning

Athabasca University (2005). Volume: 36, Issue: 1. Pages: 111-112. Jan Van Bruggen et al.Compilation of research spanning Role and Function of Theory in Online Education Development and Delivery, Infrastructure and Support for Content Development, Desi…

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