After a calm introduction (that is my personal experience of this course so far) the first webinar took place.
Storified by Elizabeth E Charles · Fri, Apr 12 2013 05:39:16
Looking forward to webinar by Diane Laurillard on #ocTEL course. Her seminar 'Remodelling HE to harness tech' was a revelation! #edchat
Wednesday webinar
My take away key points are as follows:
* Technology is a tool and not the objective,
* Education and #MOOCs (cMOOCs or xMOOCs) are currently riding on the crest of a wave but this too will pass, when this plateaus education baseline will have changed
* The economics of scaling up the guidance, quality subject and student support is not possible given the thousands of participants that enrol on MOOCs.
* To release the necessary time for teachers to be able to provide the above one approach could be to use the 'Pedagogical Pattern Collector' (a collaborative course design tool)
* Education sector needs to harness technology and use it to further enhance teaching be it face-to-face, distance, mobile or blended learning. The various modes of delivery all have a place and a role to play in the education landscape.
The following selected tweets from #ocTEL participants reflect this.
Pedagogical Pattern Collector: a suite of tools that enables teachers to share their good teaching ideas.… #ocTEL
#ocTEL Diana Laurillard: recruit the teaching community, use the PPC tool ( to share efficient teaching design
Interesting talk by Diana Laurillard on the big questions in TEL. Over 100 on Elluminate. Tricky keeping up with the chat #ocTEL
#ocTEL Can somebody convince me that PPC is fantastic? Why am I so sceptical?
#OCTEL How do we maintain the focus on learning when tec is so seductive?
#octel @thinksitthrough great webinar. Big Q, how do we get student engagement and hi standards of learning at a viable cost through MOOCs?
MIght have to change my #ocTEL question after todays webinar! Lots more to think about and ask.
How do we persuade 'reluctant' members of staff to engate with TEL-especially those with limited skills/confidence/time? #octel
Recording of webinar:
RT @ALTocTEL: If you missed today's #ocTEL webinar with Diana Laurillard, the recording is now available at