This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL Week 7 Webinar

Join our weekly webinar at 17.00 on Wednesday 29 May, via Blackboard Collaborate 11.

You can access the Week 7 webinar via this link.

This week’s webinar

PLEASE NOTE this week’s webinar is at 17:00pm rather than the usual 12.30pm.

Have you ever felt like you were planning a dinner party when what you really wanted was a picnic? We have lots of options about how we design learning to engage and facilitate peer to peer learning. But sometimes it is easy to get stuck with “what we’ve always done.” Join Nancy White as we explore our repertoire of possibility for groups and learning. With Nancy, we’ll practice some of the real time webinar facilitation techniques that tutors can use to enable a supportive, collaborative and / or co-operative environment.

About the presenter

Founder of Full Circle Associates, Nancy White helps organizations connect through online and offline strategies. She is internationally recognized as an online interaction designer, facilitator and coach for distributed learning, teams and online communities. Nancy blogs at, teaches, presents and writes on online facilitation and interaction, social architecture and social media. She is co-author with Etienne Wenger and John Smith of “Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities.” (

We will make the recording of this session available via the Course Materials page.

Webinar help and FAQ’s

For help prior to the webinar and some frequently asked questions please visit our help page.

If you have any questions contact

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