This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

ocTEL – Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning

An online course in using technology to enhance teaching in HE. Duration: 4 Apr 2013 10:00AM-21 Jun 2013 3:00PM. #ocTEL #mooc @ALTocTEL

Storified by Elizabeth E Charles · Fri, Apr 05 2013 09:07:02

The course site is at: . The course is being organised by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). ALT is the UK���s leading membership organisation in the learning technology field.

Starting in April 2013 you will be able to participate in an online course to understand better how to use technology to enhance your teaching in Higher Education. The course is aimed primarily at people teaching at Higher Education level, whether in Higher Education Institutions or Further Education Colleges. It runs for ten weeks plus one 'induction week', requiring about five hours work per week.

The course comprises ten modules plus an ‘induction’ week when participants get to experiment and explore how the course works. Each module is designed to consist of five learning hours, including a one-hour live webinar (scheduled on Wednesday at 12:30 UK time, with one or two exceptions) and a range of other activities.

4 April Induction and reception Led by David Jennings
Technology Enhanced Learning Foundations — 15 hours
15 April TEL concepts and approaches Maren Deepwell
22 April Understanding learners’ needs Julia Fotheringham
29 April Active Learning Nicola Whitton
TEL methods and tools — 20 hours
6 May Producing engaging and effective learning materials Peter Hartley
13 May Platforms and technologies Phil Tubman
20 May Providing timely, effective assessment and feedback Linda Creanor
27 May Supporting learners with tutor and peer communications Gráinne Hamilton
Managing TEL — 15 hours
3 June Maximising learning for minimum cost David Jennings
10 June Keeping things on track and cheating Murphy’s Law Julie Voce & Sarah Sherman
17 June Evaluating TEL and farewell Julie Voce & Sarah Sherman

Materials for each module will be published before the dates above.

And so it begins....

Week 1

Welcome to #ocTEL - the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning! · ALT ocTEL course

Short introduction about myself

I work in a Birkbeck, where one of my many roles is that of a Subjec tLibrarian involved in delivering information literacy training and subject support to students and staff.  I have experience of training others to use both Blackboard and recently now MOODLE as a VLE.  With the implementation of MOODLE the possibility of providing support and delivering information sessions when the user requires it via this enviroment is very appealing, rather than one opportunity and if you miss it that's it.  I like the flexibility that is offered to the user as well as the possibility of enriching what is made available and the opportunity to provide differentiated approaches to the same material.  I recently dabbled in the #edcmooc - which was enthralling and overwhelming at times.  I want a wider experience of technology enhanced learning as a student on a #mooc to understands how it works and what would best suit what I want to be able to do for my users.  That is my reason for participating in #octel.

Big question?

How will TEL enhance/change current teaching practice and will it provide opportunities rather than challenges to time-strapped students. 


I set up a discussion/reflection group for other HE/FE information specialist on the #octel course.  I hope this will be the main forum for our discussions.

SCONUL Seven Pillars Model for Information Literacy · Cristóbal Cobo Romaní