I’m participating in this MOOC and one of the induction activities is to introduce yourself to the rest of the course. There were suggestions of how you could do this, one of which was to create a blog: My Edu-thoughts was born.
I’m already feeling a little overwhelmed with the email traffic generated by this MOOC – OK, not a little bit overwhelmed, a LOT. So much so in fact, that I almost dropped out – and I haven’t even started properly yet! Some learning there perhaps?
If you only do one thing…. Write a short intro
I teach on the Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice (PCAP) at the University of Southampton, UK. I have used Zappers (aka clickers/electronic voting system), Blackboard, Prezi. I try and encourage course participants to use technology, but actually on reflection I don’t make much use of technology myself…. I would like to learn more about what is out there, good practice in using technology for learning, hear some success stories.
Activity 0.1; My big question. What is the most important question about TEL for me?
How and which technologies can be used in the classroom to increase deep learning?