I haven’t done a lot of my own blogging since my post ‘A blogging start’ as I have volunteered to be an ocTEL tutor this week and have become fascinated in finding out what others are up to in their blogs. It is fascinating. There is a great range of blogging backgrounds from seasoned bloggers to those who are setting out with a first few tentative steps motivated by their participation in ocTEL (myself included). I have found that reading and commenting on other’s blogs is less of a challenge than writing my own. Its getting past that feeling of a blank piece of paper in front of you needing to be filled – I have always been the same with writing as a mathematician by training. Give me a problem to solve and I will be scribbling furiously in no time and for prolonged periods.
So thanks to those whose blogs I have read and whose blogs have inspired me to think and respond. I hope you don’t mind me minding your business rather than my own!