This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

confusion and laughing

Home Forums Orientation and Help confusion and laughing

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  • #6711

    language problems… + too late with my login… + the day when so much octel mails landed in my mail…+ where is my password?? … CONFUSION!!! CONFUSION!!! CONFUSION!!!


    Search for the login mail… search for information… find a system to swim in this course

    I managed to login.


    Ah, more informations 🙂 A forum for orientation 🙂

    Laughing about my brain and starter emotions…

    Sue Barnes

    yes, same here… computer and connection problems delayed getting stated although. extreme mailbox shock, now in recovery mode, trying to remember who I am so I can introduce myself…


    I ended up with three wordpress accounts with three different passwords and three different email addresses and going round in at least three circles and I am supposed to be a learning technology advisor. I so recognise … search for login email … I was doing that for ocTEL, wordpress, twitter, gravatar and possibly others all at th same time!

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