I’m one of the #ocTEL participants who only manage to dip in and out of the course from time to time, despite the best intentions I didn’t find my focus. BUT: it’s a bit like a treasure trove. Whenever I dip in I find something fascinating. This morning it was a post by someone called GraphDesProject, and his post pointed me to a brilliant resource about the history of typography. It also led me to Brain Pickings, a ‘human powered discovery engine for interestingness’. I also discovered in this process that I’m already a member on Tumblr. So on one hand, I’ve been led astray by just following one link in one of the numerous contributions to the ocTEL site. On the other hand, I learned a lot. Now I’ve got to return to the daily chores of my job … but I feel a lot better for having had this short exploration first thing in the morning!