Author: Zayneb Makki

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Announcements and list discussion (online learning readiness)

I tried all four of these questionnaires. The best one was the Penn State university. But the purpose of doing these questionnaires is quite baffling. I f I was contemplating undertaking an online course then surely I would have an acceptable level of …

Re: Activity 0.1 : Are students smarter now?

Dear Sue,Yes, I think they are definitely more motivated when using technology. Especially with certain subjects that they may find a bit boring.Regards,Zayneb—–Original Message—–From: ocTEL public mailing list [mailto:OCTEL-PUBLIC@JISCMAIL.AC.UK…

Re: Activity 0.1 : Are students smarter now?

I am sure that our brains are just as smart as they were 1000 years ago! I agree what you say about multi-tasking. Anyone of us these days can multitask better than 20 or 30 years ago and I think this is due to all the technology. So I think that my qu…

Activity 0.1 : Are students smarter now?

Apologies to anyone who may have already asked this question ( I just can’t read through all the emails).My big question is:Are students smarter now that they use TEL?A lot has been previously discussed about how we assess the efficiency of learning us…

Re: Anne Nortcliffe Introduction and Questions

Dear Anne,I am gradually reading through various interesting emails on the list. Tablets were introduced in 2012 for teaching at Glasgow Dental School together with the virtual microscope. Students use these in practical sessions to view pathology and …


Hi everyone,My name is Zayneb Makki and I am the university teacher for oral pathology at Glasgow Dental School, Glasgow University. This is the first time that I have registered for a course of this kind. I use the virtual microscope to teach oral pat…