Author: olavur

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

olavur: @Kerr63 Hmm.. is that enough? To me the main question is whether you are making the learners active (in the subject matter) #octel

@kerr63 Hmm.. is that enough? To me the main question is whether you are making the learners active (in the subject matter) #octel— Olavur Ellefsen (@olavur) May 8, 2013

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olavur: RT @hopkinsdavid: Who's using #MOOCs? 10 different target audiences via @donaldclark #octel

RT @hopkinsdavid: Who’s using #MOOCs? 10 different target audiences via @donaldclark #octel— Olavur Ellefsen (@olavur) April 25, 2013

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olavur: Tried "what kind of learner are you?" quiz from UofExeter. Good activity recommendations based on your answers #octel

Tried “what kind of learner are you?” quiz from UofExeter. Good activity recommendations based on your answers #octel— Olavur Ellefsen (@olavur) April 24, 2013

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olavur: Good discussion about "the readiness for online learning surveys" emerging in an [#ocTEL-public] email thread – are the emails linkable?

Good discussion about “the readiness for online learning surveys” emerging in an [#ocTEL-public] email thread – are the emails linkable?— Olavur Ellefsen (@olavur) April 23, 2013

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olavur: Register for the Open Course for Technology Enhanced Learning (in Higher Education) connectivist MOOC?

Register for the Open Course for Technology Enhanced Learning (in Higher Education) connectivist MOOC?— Olavur Ellefsen (@olavur) April 22, 2013