Author: nicwhitton

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

nicwhitton: @ElizabethECharl @Schoolie3 #ocTEL Why do you find it negative?

@elizabethecharl @schoolie3 #ocTEL Why do you find it negative?— Nicola Whitton (@nicwhitton) April 29, 2013

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nicwhitton: RT @smythkrs: Participating in #ocTEL? Then show #ocTEL some TLC! Complete this short survey and feel a little warme…

RT @smythkrs: Participating in #ocTEL? Then show #ocTEL some TLC! Complete this short survey and feel a little warme…

— Nicola Whitton (@nicwhitton) April 29, 2013

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