Author: drwrighton

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

drwrighton: 10% of #ocTEL community online via Elluminate Live for first MOOC webinar today w. Diana Laurillard. What are your big #TEL questions?

10% of #ocTEL community online via Elluminate Live for first MOOC webinar today w. Diana Laurillard. What are your big #TEL questions?— John Wrighton (@DrWrighton) April 10, 2013

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drwrighton: Joined the #ocTEL webinar a little late: what have I missed so far? @kateawright

Joined the #ocTEL webinar a little late: what have I missed so far? @kateawright— John Wrighton (@DrWrighton) April 10, 2013

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