Author: David Jennings
Consultant and occasional writer, based in London. Chartered Pscyhologist and CMALT. Overall co-ordinator of ocTEL.

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Activities, questions and introductions

Hello everyone,Many thanks to those of you who have got the ball rolling with your introductions, big questions and experiences. Thanks especially to Doug Holton for the useful practical advice that seems to have gone down well – just the kind of peer …

Questions and help with practicalities?

Hello again,I’ve unsubscribed the two people who asked to be unsubscribed, and am happy to help anyone else – please send such list-related requests to Many thanks to James for the additional self-help advice!If you…

Activities, questions and introductions

Hello everyone,Many thanks to those of you who have got the ball rolling with your introductions, big questions and experiences. Thanks especially to Doug Holton for the useful practical advice that seems to have gone down well – just the kind of peer …

Course begins: looking forward to your feedback

ocTEL starts today. Like the English first class cricket season, which begins tomorrow, play gets under way at the civilised hour of 11.00 British Summer Time. Like cricket, it’s best if you don’t rush. We’ve put a lot of planning

Guide to discussion and collaboration spaces

Discussion and collaboration are central to the experience of ocTEL. But it’s a challenge to arrange the online discussions of 850+ people (that’s how many registrations we’ve had for the course at the time of writing). We want to make

ocTEL tutor support: what you can expect

Online learning in ocTEL is designed to encourage participants like you both to engage actively with the concepts in the course and to reflect on what you are learning through discussion. So learning conversations are central to the course. We

New course outline and confirmed dates

We now have a complete set of draft materials for our course, which we will be reviewing and revising during the rest of the March, so that we’re ready to start the course in April. While finalising the course and

Introducing OLDS MOOC and mixing courses

ocTEL shares some of its DNA with another free online course, “Learning Design for a 21st Century Curriculum”  a.k.a. OLDS MOOC (more on those acronyms in a second),  which starts early in January. By DNA, I mean that our principles

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Course outline – first draft

The ocTEL project team have now had a chance to discuss and digest the results of our survey, and to think about what implications they might have for the course design. The results are most useful in terms of what

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Rough cut analysis of market research survey

We closed the OCTEL market research survey a couple of days ago — many thanks to all the 140 people who completed it. Tomorrow members of the project team are meeting in London to review the results of this, as

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