Forum Replies Created
Kari Rasmussen
MemberHi Tom, for me it is more a matter of feeling a bit out of sync, mind you this is magnified right now as I figure out how to participate in my doctoral residential in Lancaster from home – I think I’ll be quietly engaged at 1 in the morning for a few days
I think the key for distance learning design is to recognize this if you are attempting to draw a global student population – recording of sessions is key and if it is something you wish them to participate in then perhaps running it a few times at various times of the day and during the week – more work but likely the only way.
Kari Rasmussen
MemberWhat can we tell about the range of experiences and preferences among ocTEL participants?
I think the variety of both experience and preference is very telling in and of itself – In this type of environment I would be most cautious if anyone claimed to be “an expert” unless they then sliced of a small chunk of this world – for example – “an expert in CoPs” is plausible.
What challenges does this present for the course?
It is hard to design someting for everyone covering everything – it usually doesn’t work to be honest – perhaps the small group discussions may create samll CoPs that will provide meangingful learning paths for the participants, if this is the case great – otherwise it will be a few weeks of a lot of white noise
In what ways is a MOOC well or poorly suited to these challenges?
The first hurdle I believe is the use of a suite of web applications – for those who are not comfortable and/or familiar with these it was quite the learning curve just to get in and start running. The second, which I have both in this and in my doctoral studies is that I live a half world away and with the difference in time means I often and on here at odd hours for most and by the time I get back it has been another full day of posts and thoughts! I just calculated and for me to watch the video live tomorrow it is 4:00ish in the morning for me so the recording it is!
Just a few thoughts …
Kari Rasmussen
MemberHi, this group certainly fits my interest – I do the online design and development for the School of business, Centre for the Arts & Communications and the Faculty of Arts & Science at my University – so anything from accounting to how to market a theatre production has been done in my department