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Small group for distance learning

Home Forums Induction ("Week 0") Small group reflection (Activity 0.5) Small group for distance learning

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  • #553
    Megan Kime

    Anyone interested in a small group for those working in online distance learning specifically? (Perhaps particularly in arts/humanities subjects? But any subject fine!)

    Tom Buckley

    Hi Megan

    Part of my role is to support courses in going fully online from a traditional delivery method in the Health and Life Sciences but I have a background in social science personally.

    Could I join any group for this activity?




    Hi Megan and Tom

    like Tom I also support courses in Health and Life Sciences, some of which are already fully online. May I join this group as well?

    Megan Kime

    Hi both,

    Of course, that would be great. I’m currently involved in converting an existing F2F masters in medical ethics to fully online so we may have quite a lot of cross over in activity. Let’s see who else is interested and then get going!




    Hi everyone,

    I would like to join in for the small group discussion if that is okay.  I work in a School of Nursing and work with academic staff on the development of blended learning programmes from the existing offerings within the School.  We are in our third year now with some fully online certificates, diplomas and core Masters modules now online using variety of technological tools.




    Hi, I am designing a new online maths preparation course for foundation science students and would be interested in joining this group to get some advice and support while I am designing and delivering it.



    Hi, this group certainly fits my interest – I do the online design and development for the School of business, Centre for the Arts & Communications and the Faculty of Arts & Science at my University – so anything from accounting to how to market a theatre production has been done in my department 🙂


    This would be a great group to joint. I am currently working on making our distance learning more interactive. I’m a Biologist teaching on Access to HE courses (Nursing along with Medical and Science professions). We are keen to develop distance and blended learning in line with the course structures offered by HE in order to make our learners more prepared for what they will encounter.


    Great topic,

    I work in a business ed program that has 75% of students at a distance. The remainder meet face to face. Our model is quite unique in that all staff are contracted, we do most of the ed development for the eleanring environment, contractors write the courses, academics have flexibility to teach in Moodle but using our template and all while we assure students that whether they meet face to face or online they will have the same experience…

    Would be interested in others program of study (course of study) designs and what makes them work as well as specific class designs.  (Hope I am speaking the right terminology here!



    Hi Caroline,

    My role is teaching first stats courses totally on line (as well as face to face) but bridging maths for Science is on my horizon too.




    Can I join too?

    I have taught online with the OU last year ( tho to be honest there were face-to-face sessions where I really did the teaching  = blended??) we tried Illuminate but it was damn difficult….

    Am now working in an online IT program where I never see the students but everything is delivered electronically

    Am just starting to develop a module in Software Design using UML so am hoping to learn lots from all of you….



    Tom Buckley

    Thus far I see a lot of different backgrounds within the forum spaces and a lot of different exposure to TEL. I think the most startling commonality is the self depreciation everyone displays. Things have to be *insert name here* proof or I didn’t get on well with this or that. There is certainly some acclimatization going on to MOOCs more chaotic elements and some general disarray/annoyance


    hi everyone

    I’ll join your group please. I develop online courses and resources in Modern Languages at the University of Southampton. In ODL, we have an online MA programme and a pre-arrival  online course for  our international students. There’s some info about these on our website: ( I’m dipping in and out of this course and  looking for new ideas really, and to see what works and what doesn’t.

    (sorry there’s no photo – annoys me not to be able to simply upload an image directly but  if you want to see me I’m here:



    Hi, is it possible to join two groups?

    I joined the Foreign language teachers group yesterday and then saw this one, which also is of great interest to me. I teach Italian and am currently involved in designing, creating and e-tutoring (!) in an online diploma for beginners. I’m interested in ideas for encouraging meaningful interaction among adult participants, as well as anything else on designing and running online/blended learning modules.



    Hi, I am a little uncertain about whether I would fit in here.

    I am a part-time lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University.  I mainly run overseas modules at undergrad and masters level in Marketing. In the past, these modules have been delivered by me with the support of local tutors.  More recently, I have been using WebCT and now Moodle to try and enhance the learning experience (not too successfully, I feel). There is a move towards blended and distance learning and I need to embrace these ideas more fully. I am really at base level.


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