This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Not lost!

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  • #529


    I am not lost yet. I have been brave enough to set up a blog using wordpress which is a first for me. I will need to go back and spend more time looking at how to use it properly.

    I have subscribed to JISC and have posted there and now found the forums.

    I think so far I am doing ok but I do need to monitor my time as I have spent longer than anticipated working on this but that is OK and part of the whole learning process.


    best wishes




    Hi Wendy,

    I am so glad to hear that I am not alone!  I seem to have spent ages just working out how to engage, setting up accounts (Twitter, WordPress and so on) and my ocTEL profile and so on!  I am just hoping that I as familiarity grows the time spent per week does reduce to the antipated 5 – 6 hours!

    All incredibly fascinating material though so far.

    Good luck with your blog…


    David Jennings

    Hi Liz, Glad you’re finding the material fascinating. Getting the hang of the conversations does take a while — and that’s why we had the 10-day induction period, which I think you missed. Once you’ve got the hang of the routine for one week, though, we’ve tried to keep the format fairly consistent, so you should find everything makes more sense and is quicker with each successive week.

    All the best, David

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