Category: JISCMail

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

how to switch to digest version of this email list

Hi, I get so many emails every day, I need to switch to the digest version
of this list.

Here’s how I was able to do it:

Create a mailing list password using this form:
You’ll receive an email with a link to click to confirm your password.

Then login to jiscmail to change to a digest subscription: […]

Profile and big questions

Hello, I’m Barbara Wilford; I work at Teesside University in the School of Health and Social care as the E learning Coordinator and lecturer in the research methods team. I’m also one of the University Teaching Fellows and have a learning and teaching leadership role across the University.

My profession background is in the field of Diagnostic Radiography and it was through this route I embarked on my HE career in 1999. How naïve I was then, wondering when shown into my office, what I might need a computer for! It was probably a couple of years later, following an […]

Activity my experiences and ambitions

Question :Reflecting on your own work experience and ambitions for developing your teaching, what is the most important question about TEL for you?My Response: How can I help people engage, enjoy and learn effectively using TEL?

Intro to my TEL experiences and BIG questions

Hi,My previous, present and future experiences with TELAs a student of French as part of my first degree, I made use of CALL labs for a variety of language learning activities: these were my first real experiences of using technology to assist learning…

Activity my experiences and ambitions

Question :Reflecting on your own work experience and ambitions for developing your teaching, what is the most important question about TEL for you?My Response: How can I help people engage, enjoy and learn effectively using TEL?


David and Maren should now be owners of this list and should receive this email.Anna DavidgePublications and Web ManagerAssociation for Learning Technology (ALT)Registered Charity Number 1063519


David and Maren should now be owners of this list and should receive this email.Anna DavidgePublications and Web ManagerAssociation for Learning Technology (ALT)Registered Charity Number 1063519
