Author: Verstrepen Michel

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Collaboratively editable timeline of educational technology, by James Kerr http://online-learning-onl…

Verstrepen Michel

Sat, 04 May 2013 05:55:31 GMT
– Reshared Post
#octel  history of education

Doug Holton
originally shared this
Collaboratively editable timeline of educational technology, by James Kerr

More info on how he made it from a Google Spreadsheet (which others can edit) and TimelineJS:

First post from the first week of the ALT MOOC: ocTEL. Comments welcome.

Verstrepen Michel

Fri, 05 Apr 2013 21:26:24 GMT
– Reshared Post

David Hopkins
originally shared this
First post from the first week of the ALT MOOC: ocTEL.

Comments welcome.

Well, the first extended week is set aside for an induction to this MOOC, MOOCs in general, and the platform itself – get us comfortable and accustomed to the technology so we can do the learning with…