Author: Vanessa Crary Vaile

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Introduction

Hi Scott… finally clearing my way through electronica ~ I won’t lay it all on #octel, more like a negative convergence of factors. I too have strange notions of a learning society untethered from power, politics and Chambers of Commerce.Vanessa

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Andrew  That sounds a lot like what I have in mind but have yet to articulate as well or clearly as you have here. I agree with you about the challenge but might use a term stronger than “reluctant.” Vanessa Vaile Mountainair New Mexico, US ________________________________ From: Andrew MacLeod To: OCTEL-PUBLIC@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 12:56 PM Subject: Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions The single biggest challenge is how to engage reluctant educational professionals. I believe many of them feel a bit overwhelmed by the concepts of “Social Media”, “MOOCS”, “PLN’s” and will retreat to their comfort […]

Introduction & greetings

Hello all, my name is Vanessa Vaile. I am retired from full-time, formal teaching and live in a rural community in central NM. Who am I kidding? My physical address is Mountainair NM but I live on the internet. Here’s a not too out of date self introduction post, My IT and tech experience is teaching related (writing, humanities, ESL ~ hybrid, enhanced and online) and has been picked up along the way since the mid 90s. Since late 2010, I have been participating in MOOCs, both x and c and following the complex academic, participant and public reaction to […]