Author: Stephen Rutherford

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Hello and Introduction

Hello everyone!

I’m Steve Rutherford and I am currently at the School of Biosciences,
Cardiff University. I currently teach a variety of Bioscience
undergraduate courses as well as pre-clinical Medical and Dental students.

My previous experience of TEL has been either in providing podcast and
video cast materials to support lectures, pre-recording lecture material
to present to students prior to lecture sessions; using communication
technologies to facilitate collaborative learning between students and
using multi-media technologies for students to produce learning resources
as part of an assessment. I have also experienced TEL as a student of the
Open University. […]

Hello and Introduction

Hello everyone!

I’m Steve Rutherford and I am currently at the School of Biosciences,
Cardiff University. I currently teach a variety of Bioscience
undergraduate courses as well as pre-clinical Medical and Dental students.

My previous experience of TEL has been either in providing podcast and
video cast materials to support lectures, pre-recording lecture material
to present to students prior to lecture sessions; using communication
technologies to facilitate collaborative learning between students and
using multi-media technologies for students to produce learning resources
as part of an assessment. I have also experienced TEL as a student of the
Open University. […]