Author: Serena Bradshaw

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Announcements and list discussion (online learning readiness)

Think I must be missing something here. Please help out someoneBased on your suggestion and quotes I would posit that Digital Literacy asdefined by some academics is irrelevant for students who are not in HE:certainly the definition does not encompass …

Re: Announcements and list discussion (online learning readiness)

Wow… this is already an informative thread.It now seems to me that the term “Digital Literacy” could do with beingcategorised. Perhaps along the lines of being fit for purpose.For example:Let’s assume all of our students are literate.Then pose the qu…

Re: Announcements and list discussion (online learning readiness)

HII’ve not yet introduced myself (sorry).I work predominantly helping people to find work.Today we’ve launched Achieve–a Coaching system which blends a VLE withone-to-one support. (Really exciting!)Our students do need to be asked about their computer…