Author: Scott Johnson

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Carolyn Jones Research Proposal

Hi Carolyn,Very impressed with your research proposal and will go over the Future Lablinks. I’m not a researcher, only a fan of MOOCs who had to switch over tothe FSLT13 MOOC a bit into OCTEL to act as an “expert” circulating among theparticipants, lea…

Re: #ocTEL Re: Understanding Learners' Needs: Activity 2.1

Hello,It’s important to remember when we speak of responsibility that onlinedelivery has expanded the reach of education very far outside thetraditional model of student that we’ve built our expectations around. Mostof our students are the first in the…

Re: Anne Nortcliffe Introduction and Questions

Hi Anne,Have to agree with Janet that your email is full of great information. I’mstarting to see electronic devices as a means of equalizing access toinstitutions like ours that wish to provide inclusion but are prevented bygovernment intrusion, uneve…

Re: Would we do this if we were all together? -NO WAY!

Alastair, Peter and others,Has it occurred to anyone that the experience of being overwhelmed at thestart is a perfectly normal experience for those of us who never did well inschool and no one has ever bothered to accommodate our needs? I understandth…

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Hi Anne,

There must be some way to introduce systems thinking into educational
institutions? The list of ideas and objects that pile up unused is
amazing—all suffering from lack of operational support once in place or by
simply being oddities and outliers with no known use. Decisions seem to be
isolated events in a vacuum. Those times I’ve been in on upper level
meetings the very thought of questioning how some idea or thing is to be
brought to actual operation is grounds for being shown the door. […]

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Hi Mark,

Think you are right about administrators being under pressure to “modernize” without having a pedagogical reason for it. Their decisions are based on the competition to stay ahead of the crowd within the world of fellow administrators where educational considerations may not be priority. We have had a “smart table” in the middle of our design office that occasionally gets used for meetings unrelated to teaching, as a coffee table and once or twice as a change table for our media experts young son’s soiled diapers; otherwise it sits like a monument to unrealized “progress.” […]

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Jumping in here, our instructors stated clearly today that they want tolearn how to use technology to reach their students but are frustrated byprograms that only focus on the technical. Yes many of them are more clearlydescribed as pig-headed about it…

Re: Introduction

Hi Vanessa, glad you are here…somewhere. Too crowded here? We’ve beenthrough that before haven’t we? I have this nagging idea that things thatdon’t seem to work as expected are somehow a product of bad planning. Whatif the expectation was based on th…

Re: Intro

Hi Bob, not sure how to break through to the people we need to be engaging without knowing who they might be. Where I live the voters elect governments that hack away at education and my experience with changing this situation is to build communities w…

Re: Intro

Hi Bob, not sure how to break through to the people we need to be engaging without knowing who they might be. Where I live the voters elect governments that hack away at education and my experience with changing this situation is to build communities w…