Author: Phil Tubman

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Finding resources, making resources? – I don't have time! #octel

Phil Tubman

Fri, 17 May 2013 20:08:53 GMT
– Google+

Your standard academic is overworked and time poor, they would like to provide high quality additional resources to help their students study but if finding them is a problem they may not have time…

+Roger Harrison re: open course reader software. have you seen this blog post by martin hawksey http:…

Phil Tubman

Mon, 13 May 2013 14:40:38 GMT
– Community
+Roger Harrison re: open course reader software. have you seen this blog post by martin hawksey you may also be interested in the webinar for #octel  this week where the aggregation platform is discussed in relation to connectivist practice. 4:30PM WEDS 15th May

Having recently posted the ingredients card for ocTEL I thought I flesh out some of the details and give ‘mama’s secret recipe’. Like most recipes it’s not perfect and I encourage you to …

#octel  this presentation by Jim Groom of Uni Mary Washington is an entertaining and inspirational story…

Phil Tubman

Mon, 13 May 2013 12:49:54 GMT
– Community
#octel  this presentation by Jim Groom of Uni Mary Washington is an entertaining and inspirational story from the people who brought you DS106, and other ‘edu-punk’ stories about open pedagogy. I cannot recommend this talk enough….

Jim Groom, Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies at the University of Mary Washington (Javascript is required to view Mediasite content). 1x. Slide Image. Share Presentation. Share Presentation Message. OK. From: Separate addresses with a semi-colon. To: Subject: Start Time: HH:MM:SS …

Google+ ocTEL Activities 2013-05-09 23:40:56

Phil Tubman

Thu, 09 May 2013 22:40:56 GMT
– Google+

Sugata Mitra, teaching practice as ad hominem and the role of the LT

Phil Tubman

Mon, 15 Apr 2013 15:34:39 GMT
– Google+

Just responding to a forum post on the #ocTEL website and though I would write this down as a blog. Sugata Mitra presents of a Self Organising Learning Environment at ALT-C in 2009. There is also a… 

Phil Tubman

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 09:51:10 GMT
– Google+

#octel g+ community

come and join me on phil100 course in new social network style vle its a very interesting…

Phil Tubman

Fri, 12 Apr 2013 09:36:48 GMT
– Community
come and join me on phil100 course in new social network style vle its a very interesting idea friends through facebook  #octel  

We learn better when we learn together. Studycloud helps you connect and collaborate with the students in your course. Expand your Network. Meet the people in your courses, create connections and lear…

#octel g+ community

Phil Tubman

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 21:21:00 GMT
– Mobile

#octel g+ community

Creating a culture of TEL

Phil Tubman

Thu, 11 Apr 2013 21:17:01 GMT
– Mobile
Creating a culture of TEL

Red Flags. Many years ago, in 1999, I facilitated and delivered an online course, using First Class on how to facilitate and deliver online. The participants were college staff, many of whom had limit…


Phil Tubman

Wed, 10 Apr 2013 21:23:24 GMT
– Google+