This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Anne Nortcliffe Introduction and Questions

Hi Anne,This is really interesting and raises a lot of questions about the importance (or not) of the visual.I read a report (on a homeschool network) that discussed US maths teachers getting better results if they naturally gestured a lot when teachin…

<No subject>

Please can you also remove me from this e-mail list


Antonio Mendes

> Hi
> Please can you also remove me from this e-mail list. This is causing a
> great deal of angst.
> Best Wishes
> Yvonne Denby
> Senior Online Tutor Nursing
> University of Derby Online Learning
> T: 01332 592350
> E:
> [cid:image001.jpg@01CE345F.AE212BB0]
> Please consider the environment before printing this email
> From: ocTEL public mailing list [mailto:OCTEL-PUBLIC@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
> Behalf Of Sara Oxbury Ellis
> Sent: 08 April 2013 10:32
> Subject:

Re: 'Death by email' and my intro

Please remove me from this course. I do not have the time to tip toe around the correct way to communicate with the cohort.Thank youMartell Linsdell MA FHEAWidening Participation Co-ordinator—–Original Message—–From: ocTEL public mailing list [ma…


My very first experience of technology enhanced learning was when I was at school. My very enlighten English teacher decided to give us feedback on our work using a tape recorder. He asked us to each bring a cassette tape and he recorded himself talkin…


My very first experience of technology enhanced learning was when I was at school. My very enlighten English teacher decided to give us feedback on our work using a tape recorder. He asked us to each bring a cassette tape and he recorded himself talkin…

Re: Hello from Somerset!

Hi Everyone! Greetings from Cranford, NJ, USA.My name is Beth Ritter-Guth, and I am the Director of Instructional Design at Union County College. We are a two-year public institution. Prior to my role here, I was a tenured professor in English at a col…

Re: Hello from Somerset!

Hi Everyone! Greetings from Cranford, NJ, USA.My name is Beth Ritter-Guth, and I am the Director of Instructional Design at Union County College. We are a two-year public institution. Prior to my role here, I was a tenured professor in English at a col…