Author: Nortcliffe, Anne

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Announcements and list discussion (online learning readiness)


Ironically on the JISC mail list for employability Ruth at Birmingham University posted yesterday’s article on Digital Literacy and HE Agenda in The Guardian, (wonder if anyone from The Guardian was paying attention to this week’s ocTEL activity (spooky).

Duggan, F. (2013) Why universities should acquire – and teach – digital literacy, Education, The Guardian, 23rd April 2013, last accessed 24th April 2013 at […]

Re: Announcements and list discussion (online learning readiness)

Hi,Technically Digital Literate note necessary communication, to quote Fraser from Anyangwe (2012) “digital literacy = digital tool knowledge + critical thinking + social engagement”, therefore it is not specific to communication skills, it is the abil…

Re: Announcements and list discussion (online learning readiness)

We need to be careful in assumptions of digital literacy, I found University of Houston the better of the quizzes.

As a tech’ academic and assessing e-submission students, my observations of Gen Y and Post PC gen’ their IT skills are superficial.

My observations and findings the current first and second year students are:
• very effective internet browsers, however the majority do not how to use any
• poor understanding of MS Word functionality i.e. use of tabs, automatic paragraph spacing, *automatic heading and body of text styles, use headers and footers, word reference tool, embedding excel into […]

Re: Activity 0.1 : Are students smarter now?

Hi,In reference to multitasking it should be noted that the perception that this behaviour of “multi-processing” is unique to Net Gen as a result of their use of multiply technologies and associated activities, Brown (2000), is not the case as previous…

Re: Anne Nortcliffe Introduction and Questions

Sancha,Here at SHU the graphic design team has been using the use iPhone audio feedback approach this year, which could be interpreted as interesting concept when the subject medium is visual.There are screencasting type apps; Notability or Explain Eve…

Re: Profile and big questions

Hi,Added the Prensky reference to Mendeley, you can access the full reference and paper at ocTEL group on Mendeley.Interesting paper, so true, but our children generation need support in filtering information soup, multiply technology makes it easy to …

Re: Introduction….and no question yet..have thought of a BIG question

: #OcTEL Hope folks don’t mind I have created OcTEL | Mendeley Group – to help manage all theses shared resourcesBest wishes,AnneDr Anne NortcliffeBSc CNE Course LeaderPlacement TutorFaculty of ACESSheffield Hallam UniversityShef…

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Scott,Sometimes to do with those who make decisions, are blissfully unaware of their IT infrastructure and its limitations, or how staff and students operate. People looking for headlines that will solve their problems.Question IT literacy in all, cost…

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Hi,Not just educational establishments I have never forgotten walking round one local hip manufacturer asking me for my help as to how they could progress their business, whilst I was there I observed find occupying 12ft square the latest (as was then …

Re: Profile and big questions

Heather,At Huddersfield is there anyway of getting hold of iPad, iPhone, or iPad mini. Tablet is where technology is going, it does not have the steep learning curve of desktop technology. As fellow dyslexic it is technology that supports me than rathe…