Author: Nigel Jones

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Introduction

This advice from Bill works. Copy and paste the https urls as instructed.

Here’s how I was able to do it:

Create a mailing list password using this form:

You’ll receive an email with a link to click to confirm your password.

Then login to jiscmail to change to a digest subscription:

The archives of the mailing list are here: […]

Re: Questions and help with practicalities?

Hi,The email you are looking for has the subject “ocTEL Important information for participants”You may find it in your spam/junk e-mail.Hopefully someone will resend the email to you once they have read your email. Alternatively to re-register is often…

Re: Introduction

This advice from Bill works. Copy and paste the https urls as instructed.

Here’s how I was able to do it:

Create a mailing list password using this form:

You’ll receive an email with a link to click to confirm your password.

Then login to jiscmail to change to a digest subscription:

The archives of the mailing list are here: […]

Re: Intro

You are quite right there is lot of expertise expressed in the emails. But the expertise is in different areas, or if common they will have had different experiences. I expect there will be some gaps in their understanding and knowledge of the technologies’ potential use.

I hope the early emails from those who are better versed in the area will not put off real newcomers. The opportunity to discuss, or, collaborate with those who have some experience in the use of a technology you might want to use, will be a great advantage to individual just starting out. […]

Re: Questions and help with practicalities?

Hi,The email you are looking for has the subject “ocTEL Important information for participants”You may find it in your spam/junk e-mail.Hopefully someone will resend the email to you once they have read your email. Alternatively to re-register is often…

Re: Questions and help with practicalities?

Jean,are you able to login to the main site.. ?By click on the Jiscmail list in activity 0.1 you can then view all the messages by clicking on April 2013 under ocTel Public mailing.Nigel

Re: Intro

You are quite right there is lot of expertise expressed in the emails. But the expertise is in different areas, or if common they will have had different experiences. I expect there will be some gaps in their understanding and knowledge of the technologies’ potential use.

I hope the early emails from those who are better versed in the area will not put off real newcomers. The opportunity to discuss, or, collaborate with those who have some experience in the use of a technology you might want to use, will be a great advantage to individual just starting out. […]

My TEL experiences

Hi,Sorry for previous typos, I am short sighted and hate the predictive text system on my smart phone.I have been involved with information systems and computing since my first degree back in 1980s. I have been teaching Information systems modelling an…

Re: Questions and help with practicalities?

Jean,are you able to login to the main site.. ?By click on the Jiscmail list in activity 0.1 you can then view all the messages by clicking on April 2013 under ocTel Public mailing.Nigel

My TEL experiences

Hi,I have been involved with information systems and computing since my first degree back in 1980s. I have been teaching Information systems modelling and web programming in Cardiff Metropolitan University for over 12 years, before that I was in FE for…