Author: Mark Johnstone

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Introduction….and no question yet..have thought of a BIG question

Hi Tom,You’re right that MOOCs are best for people who already know how to learnin quasi-formal and self-directed settings so they are not likely toreplace schools, at least not in their present form. They do not offer anyof the pastoral functions that…

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Hi Scott,You said that your instructors stated clearly that they wanted to learn howto use technology to reach students but were frustrated by a focus ontechnical tools. I think this is a common problem and believe it is becausewe are still at an inter…

Re: Hi

Hi Jim,Thanks for this interesting question about the difficulty of makingeffective and engaging use of technology in the classroom. I understand thedifficulty of creating engaging learner experiences in an online or blendedenvironment. I see several d…

Re: Gilly Salmo article and reply to Stephen and Bill

Hi David,Thanks for the video.I used a mechanical teaching machine in my first undergraduate Englishcourse at a Texas community college in 1972. It was a little moresophisticated than the one in the video, but not much.Using the machine meant that I di…

Re: Anne Nortcliffe Introduction and Questions

Hi Anne,

Thanks for this detailed description on lecture recording and audio
feedback. This is very interesting. Are you using Moodle? I’ve found great
resources on your blog so
will post any further questions I have there.


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Nortcliffe, Anne wrote:

> Hi,
> I am Anne Nortcliffe at Sheffield Hallam University, Lecturer in the
> Department of Computing and Department of Engineering and Maths, with
> responsibility to develop employability in all technical computing (100+)
> and engineering 2nd year students (350+) in readiness for placement
> employment, as […]

<No subject>

Hi Jamila,It appears that we have similar backgrounds. I’m working in Saudi Arabia inan organization that professes a commitment to technology and also involvedin a PhD course in technology enhanced education. I read quite a lot abouttech adoption in t…

Re: Gilly Salmo article and reply to Stephen and Bill

Hi David,Thanks for the video.I used a mechanical teaching machine in my first undergraduate Englishcourse at a Texas community college in 1972. It was a little moresophisticated than the one in the video, but not much.Using the machine meant that I di…

Re: Anne Nortcliffe Introduction and Questions

Hi Anne,

Thanks for this detailed description on lecture recording and audio
feedback. This is very interesting. Are you using Moodle? I’ve found great
resources on your blog so
will post any further questions I have there.


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Nortcliffe, Anne wrote:

> Hi,
> I am Anne Nortcliffe at Sheffield Hallam University, Lecturer in the
> Department of Computing and Department of Engineering and Maths, with
> responsibility to develop employability in all technical computing (100+)
> and engineering 2nd year students (350+) in readiness for placement
> employment, as […]

<No subject>

Hi Jamila,It appears that we have similar backgrounds. I’m working in Saudi Arabia inan organization that professes a commitment to technology and also involvedin a PhD course in technology enhanced education. I read quite a lot abouttech adoption in t…

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

Resistance to change is common in education. Resistance may be exacerbatedby a focus on technology and tools rather than on activities, processes,and solutions to shared problems. Social media, MOOCs, and PersonalLearning Networks are all conceptually …