Author: Katrina Diamond

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: 'Death by email' and my intro

HiYes in response to your email below yes I believe it is because we are all so familiar with email and it is part of our normal everyday “systems use” I am for example currently looking at my emails for all manner of things to do with my role and to h…

Re: 'Death by email' and my intro

HiYes in response to your email below yes I believe it is because we are all so familiar with email and it is part of our normal everyday “systems use” I am for example currently looking at my emails for all manner of things to do with my role and to h…

Octel intro

Hi, I have worked in FE for the past 11 years with a break of 2 yrs when I taught in a school. I have taught HE at University and within the FE Context and feel that anything we learn here will be applicable to FE. I decided to get involved with ocTEL …

Octel intro

Hi, I have worked in FE for the past 11 years with a break of 2 yrs when I taught in a school. I have taught HE at University and within the FE Context and feel that anything we learn here will be applicable to FE. I decided to get involved with ocTEL …