Author: Jack Bowers

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Profile and big questions

As I mentioned in my introduction, I’ve found the use of acronyms quite alienating here, so this was great – many thanks, Bill.
Jack Bowers

Sent from my iPad

On 05/04/2013, at 2:31 AM, “Bill Miller” > wrote:

Following on from Barbara’s Big Question, I’m Bill Miller, I do eLearning at University of Birmingham and there’s the thing. I heartily agree with Barbara’s questions and have my own ideas about them, but I had to go and look up ‘TEL’ just to make sure I’m on the same page (and the great cloud oracle, wikipedia, tells me that “E-learning is […]


Hello, everyone. I’ve got up at 4am to do this, so apologies in advance if it is a bit sleepy.I teach academic skills at the Australian National University in Canberra.I’ve had the usual experiences with TEL i.e. I’ve had to pick it up with minimal tra…

Re: Profile and big questions

As I mentioned in my introduction, I’ve found the use of acronyms quite alienating here, so this was great – many thanks, Bill.
Jack Bowers

Sent from my iPad

On 05/04/2013, at 2:31 AM, “Bill Miller” > wrote:

Following on from Barbara’s Big Question, I’m Bill Miller, I do eLearning at University of Birmingham and there’s the thing. I heartily agree with Barbara’s questions and have my own ideas about them, but I had to go and look up ‘TEL’ just to make sure I’m on the same page (and the great cloud oracle, wikipedia, tells me that “E-learning is […]


Hello, everyone. I’ve got up at 4am to do this, so apologies in advance if it is a bit sleepy.I teach academic skills at the Australian National University in Canberra.I’ve had the usual experiences with TEL i.e. I’ve had to pick it up with minimal tra…