Author: Helen Crump
I'm a literacies practitioner (digital & traditional) and I live on the West coast of Ireland. I'm also a very recent graduate of St. Angela's College, Sligo where I completed an M.A. awarded by NUI Galway in Technology, Learning, Innovation and Change. Ideally, I'd like to take my passion and insight for digital literacies and social learning online into a Higher Education or professional development context. For that reason, I'm developing my skills and knowledge in relation to online pedagogies, online communities, learning technology and learning design; that's why I’m glad to be here taking part in the #ocTEL MOOC

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

One last hoorah from me on the #ocTEL front: my blog post.

Helen Crump

Sat, 22 Jun 2013 08:40:39 GMT
– Community
– OCTEL Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (Discussion)
One last hoorah from me on the #ocTEL front: my blog post.

Before #ocTEL rolls out of town, I spent a couple of pleasant hours today looking over some of the course materials and posts from the last couple of weeks. Although I’ve been deleting the daily ne…

Off on a tangent for me this week, I'm afraid. But learning lots and enjoying it, I have to say.

Helen Crump

Tue, 14 May 2013 18:57:53 GMT
– Community
Off on a tangent for me this week, I’m afraid. But learning lots and enjoying it, I have to say.

This week #ocTEL MOOC takes a look at “Platforms and Technologies”. It’s a topic that I’ve really been looking forward to as I want to gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of hosted and…

My blog post this week owes a debt of thanks to Imogen Bertin's post in the forum entitled, "iTunesU …

Helen Crump

Fri, 10 May 2013 18:31:48 GMT
– Community
My blog post this week owes a debt of thanks to Imogen Bertin’s post in the forum entitled, “iTunesU – you need to know how to search it”.

In Week 4, the fundamental question that #ocTEL asks is “how can we take advantage of technological developments in order to create and source relevant learning resources?” Actually, the question c…

Ha hah. Playing catch up. My 3 weeks in 1 blog post.

Helen Crump

Sun, 05 May 2013 20:14:45 GMT
– Community
Ha hah. Playing catch up. My 3 weeks in 1 blog post.

Ooh, this is sneaky. After three weeks, I’m jumping back into the #ocTEL MOOC. I’m fortunate in that this week the course comes to the end of Part I, the Foundations of Technology Enhanced Learning……

My 'official' introduction: Hello, my name is Helen and I'm a literacies practitioner (digital & traditional…

Helen Crump

Mon, 08 Apr 2013 13:14:24 GMT
– Community
My ‘official’ introduction:

Hello, my name is Helen and I’m a literacies practitioner (digital & traditional) and I live on the West coast of Ireland. I’m also a very recent graduate of St. Angela’s College, Sligo where I completed an M.A. awarded by NUI Galway in Technology, Learning, Innovation and Change. Ideally, I’d like to take my passion and insight for digital literacies and social learning online into a Higher Education or professional development context. For that reason, I’m developing my skills and knowledge in relation learning technology; that’s why I’m glad to be here taking part in the #ocTEL MOOC

My first post:

As part of my learning odyssey, I’ve just embarked on the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning #ocTEL. This week is week zero. It’s designed to ease participants into the course, and it sets……

Hey, look where I just landed, Google+ and a brand new MOOC!! Looking forward to meeting new folks and…

Helen Crump

Thu, 04 Apr 2013 20:22:14 GMT
– Community
Hey, look where I just landed, Google+ and a brand new MOOC!! Looking forward to meeting new folks and learning ‘all about’ technology #ocTEL  

I’m generally, interested in Web 2.0 technologies and the digital literacies that they require, but I’m also curious about social collaboration platforms for supporting communities and their social learning – as opposed to the learning management systems that generally manage learning on courses.