Author: Helen Blunden

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Here's my blog post on week 6.  Admittedly, it's pretty light on because with my experience in the corporate…

Helen Blunden

Tue, 28 May 2013 23:04:55 GMT
– Community
– OCTEL Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (Week Six activities)
Here’s my blog post on week 6.  Admittedly, it’s pretty light on because with my experience in the corporate world developing programs related to sales, service, leadership or business related content, assessment is not a key driver or consideration for our clients – and for some reason, there’s a bit of fear about it as well.

I feel as if I’ve been a bit late with this week’s assignment but also a part of me saw that it was about assessment and I’d be lying if I said I was happy about it. I know that assessment and feed…

Here's my recent blog post for Week 5 but it seems to have opened up memories of 1994 when I did a course…

Helen Blunden

Sun, 19 May 2013 04:16:41 GMT
– Community
Here’s my recent blog post for Week 5 but it seems to have opened up memories of 1994 when I did a course in the RAAF.  I dug out my old course manuals and Learning Styles results of tests…. ah the memories….

This week we had to reflect on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory and answer the following questions: Reflect on whether you accommodate these learning styles in your teaching practice. Do the tec…

Here's my entry for Week 4 which I enjoyed exploring Screecast-o-Matic and the iEthics simulation.  I…

Helen Blunden

Fri, 10 May 2013 23:37:16 GMT
– Community
Here’s my entry for Week 4 which I enjoyed exploring Screecast-o-Matic and the iEthics simulation.  I explored how these tools could be used in the corporate workplace.  Definitely going to use them (or their ideas) with work with my internal clients.

This week was an interesting #OCTEL activity week that opened my eyes to some resources that I had otherwise not known about and which I could immediately apply to my workplace.  The first activity…

Hello everyone. My name is Helen Blunden and I work as a Virtual Learning Consultant in one of the big…

Helen Blunden

Fri, 10 May 2013 02:26:52 GMT
– Community
Hello everyone. My name is Helen Blunden and I work as a Virtual Learning Consultant in one of the big 4 banks in Australia.  You can find out more about me here  This is my 4th cMOOC and introduced to it by +Gerardine Rudolphy 

My first cMOOC was #etmooc  which I thoroughly enjoyed but I’m also doing the Teach The Web MOOC and the #OCTEL  at the moment. It’s a lot of work but the beauty of it is that you can pick and choose what works for you to apply it to your work.Looking forward to learning more here ! 

Hello everyone. Here are my reflections of Week 2 Understanding Learner Needs which gave me some food…

Helen Blunden

Fri, 26 Apr 2013 13:59:32 GMT
– Community
Hello everyone. Here are my reflections of Week 2 Understanding Learner Needs which gave me some food for thought about implementing these checklists not only for our learners but our clients (community managers) in our organisation.

This week in #OCTEL, it was all about the learners – but I wasn’t so sure. With a background in learning and development, understanding learner needs is not new to me. I’ve done many needs analyses……

Hello everyone.  Here are my reflections for the first week activities, "Drilling into TEL Concepts" …

Helen Blunden

Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:26:48 GMT
– Community
Hello everyone.  Here are my reflections for the first week activities, “Drilling into TEL Concepts”

This week’s entry on reflections of Technology and Learning Concepts and Approaches for the OCTEL MOOC have been interesting. In particular one video about how dentists are trained to drill a toot……

Hello everyone, My name is Helen Blunden and I'm a Learning Consultant at the National Australia Bank…

Helen Blunden

Sat, 06 Apr 2013 22:22:31 GMT
– Community
Hello everyone, 

My name is Helen Blunden and I’m a Learning Consultant at the National Australia Bank.  I work with the NAB Academy Virtual Learning Team so my background is not academic.  However, I see that I have lots to learn here in this MOOC about technology in learning (but I’d be looking at application in a business workplace).  

My first post with this week’s activities are here.

Just because I’m a sucker for punishment, I joined another 10 week cMOOC called Octel: The Open Course in Technology. (Actually, methinks I was on such a high with the Educational Technology MOOC #……