Author: gemma holtam

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

hello holtam5/22/2013 6:17:56 AMgemmaholtam

Introduction and big question

Hi,My name is Gemma Holtam. I work as a Tutorial Learning Mentor (TLM) and Advanced Practitioner in Information Learning Technology (ILT) at Barnsley College.As a TLM I teach a careers module where I use a number of ILT tools including voting systems, …

Introduction and big question

Hi,My name is Gemma Holtam. I work as a Tutorial Learning Mentor (TLM) and Advanced Practitioner in Information Learning Technology (ILT) at Barnsley College.As a TLM I teach a careers module where I use a number of ILT tools including voting systems, …