Author: Davies, John

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: #ocTEL Re: Understanding Learners’ Needs: Activity 2.1

That’s a great posting Roger, thanks for reminding us that not everybody has access to the gadgets and services that we take for granted (anybody recall the theme of digital exclusion in the information society?) – and for putting the learner at the ce…

Re: Hello from Somerset!

Virginia, I think that you make a crucial point there about not having to be technical to work with technology and I know how the use of technical language can be a barrier to understanding. In my own job I try to keep technical terms to an absolute mi…

Re: Profile and big questions

Tracey – there is the excellent ‘Moodle tool guide for teachers’ produced by Joyce Seitzinger available here: you are thinking in terms of instructional delivery, assessments or collaborative exercise…

Re: My TEL experiences

I’d agree with Sarah that students/learners can sometimes be wary of posting to online discussions through fear of public exposure, more so if you experience dyslexia or are using a second language. Some tutors here at Napier in Edinburgh use the anony…

Re: Hello from Somerset!

Virginia, I think that you make a crucial point there about not having to be technical to work with technology and I know how the use of technical language can be a barrier to understanding. In my own job I try to keep technical terms to an absolute mi…

Re: Profile and big questions

Tracey – there is the excellent ‘Moodle tool guide for teachers’ produced by Joyce Seitzinger available here: you are thinking in terms of instructional delivery, assessments or collaborative exercise…

Re: My TEL experiences

I’d agree with Sarah that students/learners can sometimes be wary of posting to online discussions through fear of public exposure, more so if you experience dyslexia or are using a second language. Some tutors here at Napier in Edinburgh use the anony…