Author: Bill Miller

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Profile and big questions

Following on from Barbara’s Big Question, I’m Bill Miller, I do eLearningat University of Birmingham and there’s the thing. I heartily agree withBarbara’s questions and have my own ideas about them, but I had to go andlook up ‘TEL’ just to make sure I’…

Re: Profile and big questions

Following on from Barbara’s Big Question, I’m Bill Miller, I do eLearningat University of Birmingham and there’s the thing. I heartily agree withBarbara’s questions and have my own ideas about them, but I had to go andlook up ‘TEL’ just to make sure I’…

Re: how to switch to digest version of this email list

Thanks for sharing that, Doug – really helpful, as I was getting a little
swamped, too!

Cheers, Bill 🙂

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Doug Holton wrote:

> Hi, I get so many emails every day, I need to switch to the digest version
> of this list.
> Here’s how I was able to do it:
> Create a mailing list password using this form:
> You’ll receive an email with a link to click to confirm your password.
> Then login to jiscmail to change to a digest […]

Re: how to switch to digest version of this email list

Thanks for sharing that, Doug – really helpful, as I was getting a little
swamped, too!

Cheers, Bill 🙂

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Doug Holton wrote:

> Hi, I get so many emails every day, I need to switch to the digest version
> of this list.
> Here’s how I was able to do it:
> Create a mailing list password using this form:
> You’ll receive an email with a link to click to confirm your password.
> Then login to jiscmail to change to a digest […]