Author: Andrew MacLeod

This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

The single biggest challenge is how to engage reluctant educational professionals. I believe many of them feel a bit overwhelmed by the concepts of “Social Media”, “MOOCS”, “PLN’s” and will retreat to their comfort zone. However, these will not go away…

Greetings and Intro from Canada

Hi all,I consider myself an educational technologist and am currently employed as the Director of Technology and Instructional Innovation at a small private school just outside Toronto.I am originally from the UK and trained as a secondary school teach…

#octel Looking forward to many discussion points with colleagues around the world. I am working as a …

Andrew MacLeod

Thu, 04 Apr 2013 19:07:51 GMT
– Google+
#octel Looking forward to many discussion points with colleagues around the world. I am working as a Director of Technology and Instructional Innovation in Canada, but used to work with many schools in the UK implementing technology in the classroom and enhancing the curriculum. 

Biggest single challenge for me is engaging reluctant teachers…

Re: Activity my experiences and ambitions

The single biggest challenge is how to engage reluctant educational professionals. I believe many of them feel a bit overwhelmed by the concepts of “Social Media”, “MOOCS”, “PLN’s” and will retreat to their comfort zone. However, these will not go away…

Greetings and Intro from Canada

Hi all,I consider myself an educational technologist and am currently employed as the Director of Technology and Instructional Innovation at a small private school just outside Toronto.I am originally from the UK and trained as a secondary school teach…