This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

A MOOC called ocTEL, the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning, is running 4 April – 17 June 2013…

John Graves Wed, 08 May 2013 04:43:20 GMT - Community
A MOOC called ocTEL, the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning, is running 4 April - 17 June 2013. If you'd like to catch up with it or sample it, this one-stop spreadsheet has a set of week-by-week teasers:

The teaser presentations "tell the story" of the course using a computer voice in just a few minutes. Others have commented "The slides are good but the voice, admittedly, is annoying." and "being able to run through a quick recap of the webinar was worth the slight irritation".

What do you think?