• Belinda joined the group Open Badges 11 years ago

  • Belinda posted an update in the group Webinar Week 1 Badge 11 years ago

    2 great presentations at today’s Webinar – thank you

  • Belinda started the topic in the forum AlternativeLogo 11 years ago

    Please can you help me. I’m a little uncertain on whether I may write a Post on Activity 1.3 (or only on 1.1 Practice, or 1.2 Strategy, which I infer from the instructions) for the TEL One badge?

    “Share your thoughts on practice and strategy from the first of this week’s activities (choose from activity 1) and join the small group discussion f…[Read more]

  • Belinda replied to the topic in the forum 11 years ago

    Hi Elise. Really interesting to read your post – I am in total agreement with all your “big and little” concerns. For me, you’ve hit the nail on the head 🙂
    Thanks for posting. Hope you’re enjoying ocTEL14!

  • We’re all interested in learning, to have joined ocTEL (or we really like badges, and being online :-)). It seems that there are participants from a range of backgrounds and experiences. Some are educators looking to bring ‘something special’ to their teaching, others are keen to share their expertise and make new connections, others are inter…[Read more]

  • Belinda replied to the topic in the forum 11 years ago

    Yes, thank you very much Martin.

  • Belinda posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Hi Sue. I think the Activity 0.2 I posted in the CMAlt group would be better in the Forum, Group 0 topic, with the other many posts that are there. I’m going to copy mine across to there – would you like to repost yours there too? Sorry, knew I’d get it wrong, right at the start of the course! Thanks, Belinda

  • Belinda earned a week 0 badge: Webinar Badge 11 years ago

    week-0-webinarTune in or watch the weekly recording of each week’s webinar to achieve the this badge. To receive this badge click on the badge link and enter the code given during the webinar in the submission box.

  • Belinda replied to the topic in the forum 11 years ago

    Hi. Please can you give my reply 4656 on Forum Activity 0.1 a ‘style fix’ in the 1st paragraph, thank you.

  • Belinda earned a week 0 badge: TEL One Badge 11 years ago

    Each week we award a TEL One badge for completing ‘If you only do one thing…’. As week 0’s one thing is to join/watch the webinar this badge is awarded to TEL One (other thing), which is to record your reflections for Activity 0.1 Big and little questions. Click on the badge link to enter your submission.

  • Belinda replied to the topic in the forum 11 years ago

    There are some really interesting posts here!

    My (quite) big question is … ‘ How can I evaluate whether technology truly enhances learning?’

    We may use novel approaches, or new ‘kit’ but does it just serve to entertain, rather than lead to ‘deep-learning’?

    From my experience as online learner (becoming a bit of a Moocista!), a part-time Adult…[Read more]

  • Belinda replied to the topic in the forum 11 years ago

    What do the points on the Badges represent please?

  • Belinda posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    In reply to: Belinda posted an update in the group ocTEL CMALT As we are already a small group, should we discuss Activity 0.2 here? What can we tell about the range of experiences and preferences among ocTEL […] View

    Great points Sue – you’re absolutely right – we’re all interested in learning, to have joined ocTEL (or we really like badges, and being online :-)). It seems that there are participants from a range of backgrounds and experiences. Some are educators looking to bring ‘something special’ to their teaching, others are keen to share their expertise…[Read more]

  • Belinda posted an update in the group ocTEL CMALT 11 years ago

    As we are already a small group, should we discuss Activity 0.2 here?

    What can we tell about the range of experiences and preferences among ocTEL participants?
    What challenges does this present for the course?
    In what ways is a MOOC like this one well or poorly suited to these challenges?

  • Belinda earned a week 0 badge: Check-in Badge 11 years ago

    There is debate about awarding credit for attendance but given the style of this course we feel it’s important to find mechanisms for you to see who also is active within each week. Click on this badge link to ‘check-in’ and see who else is also active in this topic.

  • Belinda posted an update in the group ocTEL CMALT 11 years ago

    Great to be here! I am also working on accreditation for CMALT and I am looking forward to the next few weeks of ocTEL14.

  • Belinda joined the group ocTEL CMALT 11 years ago