• Louise replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 6 months ago

    We are just going down the route of encouraging all faculty to use Grademark in Turnitin to provide feedback and grades for assignments. We have suggested that, as well as the bubble comments, a Mark Form is used (part of the Rubric function) to fill in feedback associated with particular criteria. So far it has been used to mark students’…[Read more]

  • Louise wrote a new post, Week 3, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago

    ThumbnailMade it so far! Last week was a struggle as I was quite busy at work but I was determined to participate more this week. I have already posted my ‘Learners Perspectives’ for the ‘Week 3 – if you only do one thing […]

  • ThumbnailTaking 3 types of content into account discuss the following:
    What elements of these do you think are appealing to different learners?

    What learners, if any, would they be inappropriate for and why?
    How do each […]

  • ThumbnailThere are some really useful thoughts here in a discussion forum on Deep Learning. It evolves into a discussion about assessment but all very relevant.
    <a href="http://octel.alt.ac.uk/2014/forums/topic/deep-learning-is-not-the-ideal/&quot; […]

  • ThumbnailToday’s webinar is about the opportunities and challenges of learning design for student-directed learning. We will have a presentation from Dr Panos Vlachopoulos (Macquarie University, Australia) who will focus […]

  • Louise replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago

    Would a social and autonomous approach work in a mainstream 11-17 school environment?   How would that look?

    It seems to me, also, that children are learning in order to be able to pass A-levels. I used to think that this was an awful approach but by watching my daughter who currently repeats exam papers over and over in prep for her A-level e…[Read more]

  • Louise replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago

    Agreed that the generic response from the survey provides on your blog is not helpful in identifying what you are measuring against nor what specfic areas it considers you deficient and therefore what you need to do to increase your level of ‘literacy’. It doesn’t address specific needs at all. Provided the questions are worded correctly it might…[Read more]

  • Louise started the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago

    Having a look at the 3 questionnaires ( the first one would not display in my browser) – the common themes are:
    1. Need – what are you doing the course for?
    2. Access to IT/internet etc…
    3. Willingness to participate/submit on time etc …
    4. Skill/understanding level and technical knowledge
    5. Motivation
    6. Ability to work away from others in…[Read more]

  • week-0-tel-explorerThere are three activities outlined in the Week 0 TEL Explorer section and this badge can be earned up to three times. Click on the badge to make your each of your submissions for Week 0’s TEL Explorer badges.

  • week-0-topicAutomatically earn this topic badge for completing at least three of the badged activities from week 0.

  • Technology should not be the primary driver of educational activity; it should support it.

    Quote from ‘Beyond Prototypes’  http://www.beyondprototypes.com
    … first the important stuff – more badges!
    week-0-tel-one-100x100 week-0-tel-explorer-100x100 week-0-webinar-100x100week-1-check-in-100x100week-1-webinar-100x100(working on the Explore one for Week 1!)
    It’s been a busy week and I am still wading through posts to collect those gems of information and experiences.
    New experiences – So far I have tried WordPress (obviously – duh), Scoop.it, Twitter (but my phone isn’t allowing me to log in only by PC – kind of defeats the object somehow!), Google + – again failed to find a forum here – is there one? I’ll pass on Minecraft in case I get as addicted as my 14 year old son and there’s no cure yet. There’s still time for experimentation.

  • Louise replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago

    Brilliant- thanks Cinzia I’ll give it a go. I did ‘scoop’ the whole oCTEL site into my Scoop.it but it would be better to be able to focus on specific threads which I want to keep. One thing to consider if we are keeping these for reference later – what happens if the scooped site disappears? Presumably all is lost unless you have copied the text…[Read more]

  • Louise replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago

    I think Scoop.it would be useful to collect various items. Not sure how you collect selected posts though as I have only used this to collect web pages so far. If you find out let me know!

  • Louise posted a new activity comment 10 years, 7 months ago

    In reply to: dowl4 created the group Thursday @dowl4 View

    2.1 With regards to the range and preferences – yes the range of experience is almost polar from one extreme to the other, which I think is produces an incredibly valuable set of resources -for me anyway!

    2.2 This polarity also brings its challenges where opinion can potentially be divided although I must admit I have not found that to be the…[Read more]

  • week-0-webinarTune in or watch the weekly recording of each week’s webinar to achieve the this badge. To receive this badge click on the badge link and enter the code given during the webinar in the submission box.

  • Each week we award a TEL One badge for completing ‘If you only do one thing…’. As week 0’s one thing is to join/watch the webinar this badge is awarded to TEL One (other thing), which is to record your reflections for Activity 0.1 Big and little questions. Click on the badge link to enter your submission.

  • Louise replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago

    Like many of you I am most comfortable in the forums. I know where I am and how to do it reasonably well. I can also easily find what others have said and can mull it over. I am also experimenting with Wordpress as a blog tool which can then capture my experiences on various different courses. I am still not sure I am using it correctly – I seem…[Read more]

  • ThumbnailPlease reflect on your work experience and ambitions for developing your teaching.

    Can you identify the most important question about TEL that matters to you?

    How can I engage academic staff with using TEL for […]

  • Louise wrote a new post, Week One, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago

    ThumbnailThis is week one on the course. I am spending the first day or so just looking at the set up and where all collaborative places are so that I can choose which to join. With the best will in the world I cannot join […]

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