• jennifer.schneider posted a new activity comment 10 years, 4 months ago

    In reply to: Maren Deepwell replied to the topic in the forum Hi Jennifer, that’s an interesting reflection. I would be interested to find out what you think about the role of technology in there different types of […] View

    Hi Maren,
    In regards to technology, when I switched from face to face lectures to students choosing either a web based package (created with SoftChalk) or an audiovisual (created with Articulate or Captivate), some students embraced the new approach but others still indicated they just wanted me to get up and give them the information (how they…[Read more]

  • jennifer.schneider replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 4 months ago

    In my role as an academic, I  am not involved in  developing formal strategies at the University level.  I have been using different technology in my teaching for several years and am very pleased to see that my Uni is now pushing for academics to embrace change and move towards using technology.  For many years, I have been perceived as a bit of…[Read more]

  • jennifer.schneider started the topic in the forum 10 years, 5 months ago

    When thinking about activities i ask students to perform, i can easily think of ones that are individual and directed or even social and directed (eg prepare a group presentation on a topic). These activities are also easy to assess as they are directed and rubrics can be developed.  However, giving students autonomy to “direct “their own…[Read more]

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  • jennifer.schneider replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 5 months ago

    Hi  everyone,

    I am new at using forums and also have had twitter account for a couple of years but never really used it too much.  So, this post is really me experimenting with the forum and trying to work out exactly what I should do with twitter.  I am following ALT  Octel- if I want to send a tweet, do I just use  #ocTEL and then type my entry?

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