• During Week 2 of ocTEL our theme has been Understanding Learners and Learning – a broad and multidimensional topic, and one that the ocTEL cohort and tutors are still tackling as I write this on a sunny Friday May […]

  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Glenn

    Thanks for being the first to tackle Activity 2.1, at least in the forums – I’m sure there are other views out there across participants’ blogs. I’ll go try and find these shortly!

    In the meantime I think your example underlines very nicely both the contextual nature of learning that has been touched upon elsewhere, and also the…[Read more]

  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Peter

    Many thanks for sharing your blog post and your follow-up comments. I’ve made some use of Second Life for learning and teaching activities in the past but not OpenSim, and now I feel at least a little more informed both generally and in relation to making immersive virtual world environments more accessible. As you point out in your…[Read more]

  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Peter

    Many thanks indeed for kicking things off for our Activity 2.2 discussion. I’m looking forward to reading your post then coming back to you asap!


  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Gary

    Your post introduces a really important point around assessment practice, and where we might be making choices of assessment methods based on convenience and economies of scale (although multiple oral exams versus multiple essays might be a close tie!). This got me thinking about the debate in recent years around assessment of learning…[Read more]

  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Diana

    Many thanks for sharing your thoughts here, and for taking us into the background of the original work which suggested the deep/surface dichotomy. It’s excellent to have your input and experience in this area to share amongst the group.

    I wonder if I could pick up on your last point, asking whether online learning contexts should be any…[Read more]

  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi all

    Copy of my comments on c.collis’ opening post, which I thought I’d share here as well as via the blog post…

    Many thanks indeed for getting our discussions on approaches to learning underway with a number of very important points, and it’s good to see your thoughts have already prompted a couple of responses including a detailed…[Read more]

  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Many thanks for beginning our ‘approaches to learning’ discussion with a very thought provoking post.

    Lots to mull over, and then I’ll look forward to commenting via your blog.

    I hope other colleagues will too 🙂


  • KeithSmyth started the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hello fellow ocTEL-ers

    A warm welcome online for Week 2 Understanding Learners and Learning!

    After a busy Week 0 and Week 1, here’s to continuing our explorations and exchanges this week. Having co-facilitated a week of ocTEL with two colleagues last year, I’m really pleased to be able to be more involved this time around and looking forward to…[Read more]

  • KeithSmyth replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 2 months ago

    Hi James

    Excellent…many thanks indeed for compiling this! And for our first forum post for Week 2 🙂

    Very best
