• Tieska changed their profile picture 10 years, 4 months ago

  • Tieska posted a new activity comment 10 years, 4 months ago

    In reply to: w.lynwood posted an update in the group Librarians / Information Professionals I’ve set this group up to see if there are any other library types lurking on this year’s course who’d be interested in discussing […] View

    Hello! I currently work in HE as a Learning Technologist, however, I have an MSc in Library Science and am interested in looking at things from this perspective.

  • week-0-webinarTune in or watch the weekly recording of each week’s webinar to achieve the this badge. To receive this badge click on the badge link and enter the code given during the webinar in the submission box.

  • There is debate about awarding credit for attendance but given the style of this course we feel it’s important to find mechanisms for you to see who also is active within each week. Click on this badge link to ‘check-in’ and see who else is also active in this topic.

  • Each week we award a TEL One badge for completing ‘If you only do one thing…’. As week 0’s one thing is to join/watch the webinar this badge is awarded to TEL One (other thing), which is to record your reflections for Activity 0.1 Big and little questions. Click on the badge link to enter your submission.