nicolalefeuvre posted an update in the group Further Education and TEL 11 years ago
Hello all,
I teach Maths in FE and also manage the English, Maths and IT skills area as well as Additional Learning Support. I am interested to know if any of you have speciific learning technologist jobs in your colleges?
Hi Nicola,
I work in a medium-size general FE College and we have created a junior e-learning technologist post this academic year; still early days but some good work underway.
Hi Jo,
Thank you for your reply. Is that role linked to a particular area or project or general for the whole college? In our college with have an IT pathway with Level 1, 2 and 3 courses but we also have a skills development area which I manage. Historically, my area has delivered discrete IT lessons for Functional Skills to our Level 1 learners as well Mac skills for Media and Art. An area we need to develop is embedding these skills within the other vocational pathways. I would be really interested to hear more about the work that you are doing with your junior e-learning technologist.
“Hi Nicola,
From the information in your post it sounds like we may have a different remit for the post?
The junior e-learing technologist posts report to our e-learning co-ordinator and their role is to support the development of elearning. They mainly work with teachers, or together with teachers and their learners to introduce technology to support learning. “To provide hands on technical advice, support and training to teachers and other College members in order to help enrich learning and teaching through the appropriate use of digital technology.”
We have 2 posts across the college to helps with staff training, producing guides on how to use didital technology, investigate technology and help in setting it up, work on some projects in indivdual curriculum areas.
From your comment, do I read your post may be more about IT skills into voc. programmes – are we then into all the pros and cons of whether FS should be embeded, contextualised or discrete?
Sorry, I accidently deleted your reply while deleting my double post! I think the job you are talking about is exactly what we need to develop in our college. The model of delivery currently is one that I have taken on and not necssarily the way I would see it working in the future. I think all Functional Skills should be at least partially embedded but in the case of English and Maths, as a qualification is needed, I think there is still a big role for discrete lessons from specialist tutors. These skills can then be practised and developed within the vocational area. In an ideal world maybe these quals could be taught within the vocational areas but I think it is a big enough challenge currently to get teams to take on the idea of developing these skills. This is a key proirity for our college currently. However with IT If the lecturers are supported to develop these skills within their lessons is there a need for discrete IT lessons? Do you college offer IT quals within vocational areas or is it just English and Maths?