LaruX wrote a new post, LaruX: RT @mkalz: My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co…, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
RT @mkalz: My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co…— Dr. Jari Laru (@LaruX) April 30, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: @mkalz ahhh good big-little question! Always tricky as i have seen some really good & really bad examples of that! #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
@mkalz ahhh good big-little question! Always tricky as i have seen some really good & really bad examples of that! #octel— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) April 29, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: RT @mkalz: My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co…, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
RT @mkalz: My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co…— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) April 29, 2014
koutropoulos wrote a new post, koutropoulos: RT @mkalz: My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co…, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
RT @mkalz: My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co…— Apostolos K. (@koutropoulos) April 29, 2014
mkalz wrote a new post, mkalz: My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co/fHZQYivkrn, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
My interest in #octel: How does a TEL MOOC apply the state-of-the-art in TEL to its own course design? Register here http://t.co/fHZQYivkrn— Marco Kalz (@mkalz) April 28, 2014