meg colasante posted an update in the group Design for Open Learning 10 years, 9 months ago
I hope you don’t mind me joining this group in Week 3 of #ocTEL…
It is the only group so far with both the words ‘design’ and ‘learning’ in it’s title, so I feel drawn to you all – to help me focus on a smaller discussion set than whole of MOOC discussions.
I’m currently doing some Week 2 activities, so I feel a little behind (despite the no-fail-never-behind philosophy of this MOOC)
I note in the Week 2 Webinar (which I watched via YouTube yesterday and recorded my notes at http://noldbymeg.blogspot.com.au/) the sense of being overwhelmed by busy traffic in a course’s social networking methods for those who have to reflect a bit first. That’s me. Therefore, I need to make sense of things myself first before engaging with others on topic… and then coming to this group to read/engage with discussions … plus my hourse of engagement will be different as I’m on Melbourne time … (kick me out of the group now if my delayed approach is a turn off!!!)
oooops – ‘hourse’ should read ‘hours’….
Hi Meg.
I always struggle to keep up with these courses too. I try to go too deeply into things and get side tracked. This course really doesn’t require a high level of activity though. Try to make the weekly webinar (it’s a bit late for you though, I know) and do one or two activities. If you have a personal blog that’s a good place to participate. You can link your blog to this site and your postings will be listed here if you use #ocTEL in the text or tag.