librarianelf posted an update in the group Impact. Evaluating the contribution of technology to teaching, learning and assessment 11 years ago
The 2 negatives approach looks like a great way to voice impact Tim. I’m a little behind the group when it comes to the webinars, but I will think on this some more and post again when I have caught up. But I think for me, often the hardest part in deducing impact levels is that there was never an intended outcome. I find a new app for instance, show it around, chat about it and maybe have a play. I might even persuade a tutor to put into action in a classroom (!). It’s easy to say it was useful or fun or interesting – but what does those words actually mean in terms of impact and how do you measure them? I think I need to find a way of looking backwards to see if there was a need or even a baseline BEFORE I/we started experimenting so there’s something to measure against – but that’s not easy.
Maybe by the time I post again I’ll have a new perspective!
Good point and I agree that sometimes impact is about ‘what can this or that do for us in the future (if anything) rather than its (measurable) impact on TLA. Definitely a positive thing to do and nice to be able to do it! Any forward looking innovative organisation should encourage the trying out of new things or ways of working, even if ultimately it might not lead anywhere permanent. There is always something can that can be learnt.
The 2 negatives lends itself to a narrative response so does raise issues for collecting and making sense of it all – but the important thing is that it is validation from the primary ‘customer’. It can be adapted to show impact for investment and ‘harder’ outcomes/outputs though, which can be useful, especially when you need to convince a Financiall Director…